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County Administrator to be suspended for participating in Dylan Yang march

WAUSAU, Wis. (WSAW) -- The Marathon County Administrator will be suspended 30 days without pay after he participated in march in support of a teen accused of fatally stabbing a member of a rival gang.

Scott Corbett, of Corporation Counsel told NewsChannel 7 someone approached a county board member saying they were upset with Brad Karger's level participation during the demonstration. Corporation Counsel provides the county with legal guidance, along with drafting ordinances, contracts; and preparing legal opinions affecting the county.

The county's executive committee launched an investigation. Their findings were presented in closed session Tuesday during a county board meeting. Members then voted on the plan to discipline Karger.

Nearly 500 people participated in the march in downtown Wausau on May 31. Organizers called it an anti-bullying movement. Yang was 15-years-old when investigators said he fatally stabbed killing 13-year-old Isaiah Powell.

Corbett said Karger's suspension will begin July 25. During that 30 days he must create a plan to repair his relationship with law enforcement and make a public statement.

 Corbett said Karger has held the role as county administrator since 2008. 
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Victim of brutal beating in Fern Rock speaks out

FERN ROCK (WTXF) - "I think they are inhumane."
A battered and bruised Shongchai Hang fights back tears, as he describes being brutally beaten by two young men in the Fern Rock section of Philadelphia last week.
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The horrific attack caught on camera, as the 69-year old was walking down Hutchinson Street a little before noon.
"He hit me very hard. I fell on the ground. He still come and punch me and kick me until I was unconscious."
The Lutheran minister says one of the men robbed him, sprayed mace in his face, and then hit him in the forehead with the empty can.
"I hand him the cell phone, also wallet, also there's not more, but maybe not enough, they want to take my life."
The victim says he felt helpless.
"Another man came over. He kicked me, he tried to kill me, you see the shoe print on my chest."


Shongchai Hang says another man actually witnessed the horrifying violence against him.
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